• The council meeting of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), St. Joseph’s College for Women, Tirupur, was called by IIC President Dr.S.Sahaya Tamil Selvi on 11/03/2024 to discuss upon the formulation and function of IIC for academic year 2023 -2024 & to assign roles and responsibility among newly joined council members as per the guidelines of Ministry of Education’s Innovation cell. As per the decision of competent authority, following members will be the part of IIC;

    S.No Key Role & Position assigned in IIC Member Type Name of the Member
    1 President Teaching Dr. S. Sahaya Tamil Selvi
    St. Joseph’s college for women, Tirupur
    2 Convener Teaching Dr. B. Suganya
    Assistant Professor & Head,
    Department of Business Administration
    3 Innovation Activity Co-Ordinator Teaching Mrs. A. Parveen Banu
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Business Administration
    4 Start-up Activity Co-Ordinator Teaching Mrs. G. Rathnapriya
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Costume Design and Fashion
    5 Internship Activity Co-Ordinator Teaching Mrs. J. Mobina Begam
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Costume Design and Fashion
    6 IPR Activity Co-Ordinator Teaching Dr. J. Priyadharshini
    Associate Professor, IQAC Co-ordinator,
    Department of Computer Science
    7 Social Media Co-Ordinator Teaching Dr. T. G. Shejo
    Associate Professor & Head,
    Department of Commerce
    8 NIRF Co-Ordinator Teaching Dr. J. Priyadharshini
    Associate Professor, IQAC Co-ordinator,
    Department of Computer Science
    9 IIC- Member Teaching Dr. P. Usha
    Associate Professor,
    Department of Tamil
    10 IIC- Member Teaching Ms. E. Keerthana
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Costume Design and Fashion
    11 IIC- Member Teaching Dr. B. Vinothini
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Computer Application
    12 IIC- Member Teaching Mrs. K. Sindhu
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Mathematics
    13 IIC- Member Teaching Mrs. K. Nirmaladevi
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Mathematics
    14 IIC- Member Teaching Ms. P. Indhumathi
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Computer Science
    15 IIC- Member Teaching Mrs. K. Anitha
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Business Administration
    16 IIC- Member Teaching Ms. G. Shanmugapriya
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Business Administration

    Key Role / Position assigned Name of the Member & Designation
    Representation from nearby industry/ industry Association/ ECO System Enablers Er. P. N. Senthil Kumar
    Managing Director,
    Gayathri Groups,

    Member Type (Student) Name of the Member
    Innovation Activity Student Co-ordinators Divya. S (III B.B.A.)
    Shuba. A. G (III B.C.A.)
    Start-up Activity Student Co-ordinators Afreen. K (III B.Sc. CDF)
    Ramya. R (III B.Sc. CDF)
    Internship Activity Student Co-ordinators Nisha Parveen. A (II B.Sc. CDF)
    Sushmitha. P (III B.Sc. CDF)
    IPR Activity Student Co-ordinators Haasmina Fathima. S (III B.Sc. Physics)
    Angelin Presilla. J (II B.Sc. Chemistry)
    Social Media Activity Student Co-ordinators Nandhini. S (III B.Sc. CS)
    Shruthi. M (III B.B.A.)

    The council members discussed about the activities (IIC calendar, Celebration and Self-Driven) and features of IIC portal. The council members also discussed about collaborations within and outside the institution to accelerate the activities of IIC. The council also deliberated on quarterly action plan in synchronization with activities and initiatives of other departments, centers and facilities in the Institute working towards promoting IPR, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Start up.

    The council unanimously decided to carry out all the IIC activities in regular basis throughout the year and meet regularly in beginning of every quarter to review the progress made in previous quarter and also to plan for upcoming quarter. The council has agreed to convene next meeting tentatively on 20/06/2024.

    IIC President & Head of the Institution

    Name: Dr.S.Sahaya Tamil Selvi
    Place: St. Joseph’s College for Women, Tirupur.

    Month Action Step Description
    June _
    August Plan to conduct the debate on Impact of Science and Technology on Young generation - Positive and Negative by the Women’s Cell
    To celebrate Youth Skills Day by conducting activities by the Department of Costume Design and Fashion
    To organize a programme on science and technology by the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
    Plan to conduct an activity related to innovation by Eco Club
    Plan to organize a programme on account of Entrepreneurs’ Day by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell
    September _
    November Plan to organize a programme on World Alzheimer’s Day & World Gratitude Day by the Department of Psychology
    To organize a programme on IIC Day
    To celebrate National Science Day by conducting activities by the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
    Plan to conduct an activity on International Development Week by NSS
    Plan to conduct an activity on World Suicide Prevention Day by the Department of Psychology
    December -
    February To conduct a programme for enhancing Entrepreneurial Skill by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell
    Plan to celebrate World Computer Literacy Day by conducting activities by the Department of Computer Science
    March -
    May To conduct an activity related to innovation and entrepreneurship by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell
    Plan to conduct an activity on Consumer Day by the Department of Commerce
    To conduct a programme by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell

    The council meeting of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), St. Joseph’s College for Women, Tirupur, was called by IIC President Dr.S.Sahaya Tamil Selvi on 06.07.2023 to discuss upon the formulation and function of IIC for academic year 2023-2024 & to assign roles and responsibility among newly joined council members as per the guidance of Ministry of Education’s Innovation cell. As per decision of competent authority, following members will be the part of IIC ;

    Key Role / Position assigned in IIC Name of the Member
    President Dr. S. Sahaya Tamil Selvi,
    St. Joseph’s College for Women, Tirupur
    Convener Mrs. C. Kavitha,
    Assistant Professor & Head,
    Department of Computer Science with DA
    Innovation Activity Co-ordinator Mrs. A. Parveen Banu,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Business Administration
    Start-up Activity Co-ordinator Mrs. M. Kanakalakshmi,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Commerce
    Internship Activity Co-ordinator Mrs. S. Roslin,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Commerce with CA
    IPR Activity Co-ordinator Dr. J. Priyadharshini,
    Associate Professor & Head
    IQAC Coordinator,
    Department of Computer Science
    Social Media Co-ordinator Mrs. K. Sindhu,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Mathematics
    NIRF Co-ordinator Dr. J. Priyadharshini,
    Associate Professor & Head
    IQAC Coordinator,
    Department of Computer Science
    IIC- Member Dr. S. Valarmathi,
    Associate Professor,
    Head Department of B.Com BA
    IIC- Member Dr. T. Kiruthiga,
    Associate Professor,
    Head Department of B.Com PA
    IIC- Member Dr. B. Suganya,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Business Administration
    IIC- Member Dr. G. Ananthi,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Commerce with CA
    IIC- Member Mrs. J. Mobina Begam,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Costume Design and Fashion
    IIC- Member Dr. R. Rajalakshmi,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of English Literature
    IIC- Member Mrs. P. Viji,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Chemistry
    IIC- Member Mrs. B. Vinothini,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Computer Application


    Key Role / Position assigned in IIC Name of the Member
    Innovation Activity Student Co-ordinators Divya. S (III B.B.A)
    Shuba. A. G (III BCA)
    Start-up Activity Student Co-ordinators Afreen. K (III B.Sc CDF)
    Ramya. R (III B.Sc CDF)
    Internship Activity Student Co-ordinators Nisha Parveen. A (II B.Sc CDF)
    Sushmitha. P (III B.Sc CDF)
    IPR Activity Student Co-ordinators Haasmina Fathima. S (III B.Sc Physics)
    Angelin Presilla. J (II B.Sc Chemistry)
    Social Media Activity Student Co-ordinators Nandhini. S (III B.Sc CS)
    Shruthi. M (III B.B.A)

    The council members discussed about the activities IIC calendar, Celebration and Self –Driven) and features of IIC portal. The council members also discussed about collaborations within the outside the institution to accelerate the activities of IIC. The council also deliberated on quarterly action plan in synchronization with activities and initiatives of other departments, centres and facilities in the institute working towards promoting IPR, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and start up.

    The council unanimously decided to carry out all the IIC activities in regular basis throughout the year and meet regularly in beginning of every quarter to review the progress made in previous quarter and also to plan for upcoming quarter. The council has agreed to convene next meeting tentatively on 08/11/2023.

    IIC President & Head of the Institution

    Name: Dr.S.Sahaya Tamil Selvi
    Place: St. Joseph’s college for women, Tirupur.